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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Our cousins Aaron and Crystal and their darling baby boy or should I say very indepenent big boy came down for the weekend. I took his pictures when he was just a newborn and now he is a year and a half and we were able to get some really cool shots. We just went to a playground and let him have at it. He threw little fits here and there when we wanted him to move to another destination but overall he is such a good baby and such an incredibly beautiful child. I had a lot of fun playing with him. Enjoy.....

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Your blog Looks Great!!! I need HElP! Hey thankyou SO much for braving the little Monster ( love him so much though.....) RiLeY!!! You are truly a sweet for taking these photos...Thankyou for your patience....You will be a better mom than I am!!! Love ya