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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weekend in Idaho

On the road again..... We left mesquite about noon on Fri and then spend several hours in the car through rain and even some hail for a very fun visit in Idaho. I like a bum dummy head forgot my camera so you are going to have to use your imaginations. We first made a stop in Salt Lake Friday night and caught up with my family and spent the night then woke up insanely early saturday to help my sister Amy get ready for the 5k she was having for her company which is 5 years old. It was quite chilly in the morning but turned out a lot better than anyone expected. The run ended around 11 so we were on the road again headed to Blackfoot. We made it just in time for a delicious bbq and lots of laughs. We woke up Sunday morning and after a scrumptious breakfast we headed to Bear Country. Boy oh boy did we have fun there. You drive your car through the park and see the animals who are pretty free to roam wherever except the brown and black bears are not aloud to be free with one another they will kill each other(little bear trivia). After driving through ourselves we visited the petting zoo where there was the cutest baby white goat. I wanted to bring it home but Terry didn't think it was such a good idea. After petting all the animals we could the kids ventured into the amusement ride section and had a wonderful time. I must admit Terry really enjoyed himself on the kiddie rides as well. We then went on a Curator tour which is where you drive in the back a tall truck through the animal park and throw food to the bears. They come right up to the truck and sit there patiently for you to throw a donut or piece of bread to them(they are not big believers in the south beach diet!!!) it was amazing to take a little sneak peak into these adorable furry animals lives. We also saw baby bears frolicking around which would make anyones heart melt. After we had all the fun we could have there we headed to lunch and then home to all take a little bear nap:) We headed back for home Monday morning and got home after many pit stops late that evening. We had beary much fun and can't wait to spend more time with Randi, Seth, Kamri, Kynsli and Konnor throughout the summer. We love you guys!!!

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