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Thursday, January 1, 2009

resolution to resulutions

Every year as the special day of january first rolls around we feel like we have to change everything and make things better. I am pretty happy with the life I have right now. I have a husband who I adore who shows great love in return. I get to babysitt sweet kids who make me laugh every day. I get to capture smiles on every photo shoot. I feel pretty lucky. So I have decided this year instead of making a list of things I want to do I am going to make a list of things I don't want to do. The old reverse psychology trick!! So here it goes......

I don't want to gain any weight (unless its due to something growing inside me with 10 fingers and toes)(no i'm not pregnant)
I don't want to be worried all the time about things I have no control over
I don't want eat out as much as we do right now (terry loves jack in the box)
I don't want to be worried about money
I don't want to let days slip by without enjoying every minute
I'll let you know how this works out for me:) HAPPY NEW YEAR

1 comment:

Marcus n McKenzie said...

That's a good idea Bethany. Good luck with all your don'ts.