So a bunch of us crazy ladies from the ward decided to go bowling. We are a rowdy bunch and we were getting in trouble left and right. First I sat on the table which I was told to quickly get off. Then a bunch of the ladies went to get drinks they were carded for SPRITE-crazy. Then quickly after Julie returned with her naughty drink she spilled it all over the floor- another bad mark on us. While we were bowling we were being pretty loud I'm sure cheering each other on so a nice lady had to come tell us to take it down a few decimals and not to take so many pics they were distracting the league players. WHAT!!!!!! We payed money to be there and we weren't hurting anyone if you can't be loud and crazy at a bowling alley then where can you be? Anyways here are a few pics from that night the ones I got in before we got our hands slapped:) We had a great time even if I did only bowl a 55 ( terry will be so embarrassed for me when he finds out I told everyone!!!)
Oh my gosh was this a fun shoot. I have to give it up to my clients for being so clever. Miss C who is getting married in Oct had a great idea to do photos with her bridesmaids. She wanted like the vintage pin up girl look. I think they turned out pretty dang cute if I do say so myself. I can't take all the credit though becuase man was this a beautiful bunch of ladies. Thanks for a good time.